Faith Nuggets from Pastor Don

For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death till He comes. (1 Corinthians 11:26) 
According to this passage of scripture, every time you eat the bread and drink the cup, you are proclaiming the Lord’s death for you. In other words, you are proclaiming what the death of the Lord on the cross did on your behalf. You discern that the Lord’s body was broken so that your body can be whole. You discern that his healthy body has borne your diseases and pains, so that your body can be well. So, when you eat the bread, you say that “by his stripes you are healed. (Isaiah 53:5) 1 Peter 2:24 tells us that “by His stripes we WERE (ALREADY) healed”. And when you drink the cup, you are drinking the life of Jesus which is in His blood. 
You notice that Paul does not say that the bread represents the body of Jesus but he quotes Jesus saying, “This is my body”, and in reference to the wine or juice, Paul says: “This cup IS THE new testament in MY blood”. This is consistent with what Jesus said to the crowd one day in John 6:53, “Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have NO life in you”. So, as you partake of communion today, extend your faith to receive the benefits of his broken body as you eat the cracker and also receive His blood which brings a continual cleansing as you drink the juice. His very body and blood will produce His life in you enabling you to overcome anything that is trying to deprive you of God’s best. 
Friends, the life of Jesus is pain free, disease free and poverty free. It attracts the favor and blessings of God. And because you have that life in you, it causes good things to happen to you. I encourage everyone whether visitors or homefolks to partake of communion today. This table is set for the believer. Come and partake.

Pastor Don

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