Condemnation Was Not In The Heart of Jesus

For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.”  John 3:17

In John 8:1-12, you notice that Jesus didn’t condemn the woman caught in adultery. Notice also that He didn’t say, “Don’t stone her. Show mercy to her.” No, what He said was, “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” And on their own the Pharisees and religious bunch left. Notice also that Jesus did not ask the woman, “Why did you sin?” No, what He asked was, “Has no one condemned you?” It seems as if Jesus focused more on the
CONDEMNATION of the sin than the sin itself.

He made sure that she walked away not feeling the condemnation and shame. Let’s not undo God’s order. When God says something should be first, it must be first. God says “no condemnation” comes first, and then you can “go and sin no more.” Religion has it the other way. It says, “Go and sin no more first, then we won’t condemn you.” What we need to understand is that when there is no condemnation, people are empowered to
live victorious lives, lives that glorify Jesus.

Grace produces an effortless empowerment through the revelation of no condemnation. It is unmerited and completely underserved. But we can receive it (this gift of no condemnation because Jesus paid for it at the cross). The story of the woman caught in adultery demonstrates something very important. What enables someone to have the power to overcome sin? The threat of the law obviously didn’t stop the woman from committing adultery. But receiving Jesus’ acceptance, knowing that even though
she deserved to be stoned to death, He did not condemn her.

THAT gave her power to “go and sin no more.” Truth be told, none of us could have cast the first stone. We have all sinned and fallen short. In Christ, we are all on equal ground. If a brother or sister gets tangled in sin, our place is not to judge them, but to restore them by pointing them to the forgiveness and gift of no condemnation that is found in Jesus. The only person who is without sin and who could have exercised punishment on the woman was Jesus, and He did not. Jesus was in the flesh to represent what was in God’s heart. It wasn’t judgement. His heart is revealed
in His grace and His forgiveness.

You can also say it this way when describing what happened as the Pharisees waited to stone the woman. The Pharisees WOULD have condemned her if they COULD, but they could not. Jesus COULD have condemned her if He WOULD, but He WOULD not. That’s our loving, compassionate Jesus. Don’t you love Him? You’re totally free of condemnation today because you’re in Christ.




