Clothed In Jesus' Righteousness

For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God.  Roman 10:3

Can you say today that you truly understand the gift of righteousness? I want to be sure that you do as this is such an important revelation that we absolutely must have in order to live an overcoming life. Today’s scripture declares that there is only ONE righteousness of God that we are to submit to. And you are either righteous or you are not. You do not have to maintain your righteous state. You are the righteousness of God in Christ and that is all there is to it. Some people are very diligent about establishing their own righteousness.

But their wrong in their thinking because God’s way is by grace. You cannot earn your right standing by good deeds. It can only be received as a gift. If you have to work for a gift, then it’s not really a gift. So, let’s stop trying to earn God’s gift with our own works. Many believers are defeated today because they’re trying to earn their own righteousness by doing good deeds or works. But we need to all know and believe that righteousness is a gift because of what Jesus has accomplished on the cross for us or on our behalf.

All of your sins—past, present, and future have been washed away by His precious blood. You were 100% forgiven the moment you received Jesus into your life. You will never be held liable by God for your sins ever again. You have been made as righteous as Jesus not through your behavior, but by faith in Him and His finished work on the cross (Philippians 3:9). Maybe you’ve thought that you did nothing to become righteous. Well, that’s true. And it’s also true that Jesus did nothing to become our sin. He did it because He and the Father loved us so much. (John 3:16).

Being clothed with Jesus’ perfect righteousness is a gift that He purchased for you with His own blood. Therefore, righteousness cannot be earned by works. Your right standing with God can only be received as a gift. So, today, your right to be righteous is a blood bought right. There is absolutely nothing that you can do to make God love you more, and there also is nothing you can do to make Him love you less. He just loves you perfectly and sees you clothed with Jesus’ righteousness.

We don’t have to live our lives one minute longer being confused about whether we have a right standing with God or not. Be assured today that when God sees you, He sees you clothed with Jesus’ righteousness. Now, you have to use your faith to believe that God accepts you and sees you righteous, blessed, favored, and healed. How many times over the past 30 years or so have I said that we have to see ourselves the way God sees us and allow that revelation to set us free from every guilt, everything that speaks of condemnation, and every kind of bondage and sin. Glory to God for our awesome, perfect right standing with God. We can come boldly to the throne of God to receive mercy and grace in a time of need. Hallelujah.    




