Every Condition Has Been Covered

“Then they shall eat the flesh on that night; roasted in fire, with unleavened bread and with bitter herbs they shall eat it. Do not eat it raw, nor boiled at all with water, but roasted in fire, its head with its legs and its entrails.”  Exodus 12:8-9

There are still some believers who are not convinced that it’s God’s will to heal today or not His will to heal everyone. Some think that the physical issues they have are just something they will have to live with. But we are diluting the Word of God when we think and talk that way. According to the Word, there are no exclusions whatsoever to God’s healing power, because there are NO exclusions in the finished work of Christ.

The coverage of God’s healing power is all encompassing and perfectly comprehensive, and EVERY condition has been completely included in the finished work of Jesus on the cross. I want to bring to your attention a powerful truth in our scripture text above. Why did God specifically mention that the lamb should be roasted in fire with its head, legs, and entrails? I believe He wants you to see that Jesus, your Passover Lamb, bore EVERY condition in EVERY part of your body.

So, that means there is NO disease, injury, or sickness that He did not carry in His own body on the cross. We know the children of Israel lived under stressful and cruel oppression of their slave masters. It’s possible that some of them suffered from PTSD, extreme anxiety, pain and physical disabilities from being so harshly treated. But whatever condition they might have suffered from, I’m certain they were healed as they ate the roasted lamb.

So, we can believe with total assurance that no matter what disease you are battling today, Jesus has taken it on Himself. I want to continue encouraging you to receive Communion with our TFC family but also on your own. If you have a nagging ailment that continues to hang on. Keep taking Communion every day and by faith ingest His body and blood. Let it keep you in remembrance of the perfect love of our Lord Jesus and what His finished work has accomplished for you.

Yours and my responsibility is to keep partaking of this channel of divine health (Communion) until you see the manifestation of your victory. Your part is to lift your hands to Him and say, “Lord Jesus, I receive Your healing. By the stripes that were laid on You, every part of my body, every cell, every organ is healed and functions perfectly. Thank you Jesus, for Your healing.” Oh, my. Hallelujah. PTL




