What Do You See?

Therefore I say unto you, what things so ever you desire, when ye pray, believe that you receive them, and ye shall have them.

When you pray, what do you see on the inside of you? If your only conscious of what you see on the outside or in the sense realm, your going to miss out on a very important need being met or even possibly a miracle.

So, again. When you pray, what do you see on the inside of you? We’re you praying for someone’s healing, but seeing that person lying in a casket at a funeral home? Were you praying for a financial breakthrough, but seeing the banks pursuing you till you were bankrupt?
You see, Jesus DIDN’T say you would get what you pray for. So many believers don’t see that. Jesus said you get what you believe you received when you pray. Jesus said, “Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask for when you pray, believe first that you receive them, and then you will have them.”

Friends, “whatsoever things” covers your every need. And believing that you receive them comes before having them. Jesus once told a centurion, “Go your way, and as you have believed, so let it be done for you.” The centurion’s servant was healed that same hour (Matthew 8:13). But notice this. The centurion believed that he received his miracle even before he saw it in the natural or in the sense realm.
So, when you pray, what do you really believe and see on the inside? Well, Pastor Don, I really can’t see it. I can’t see myself healed; I can’t see all my needs being abundantly provided for. I can’t see myself getting that promotion or pay raise.

Then don’t pray yet. The vision on the inside of you needs to change before you can receive whatever it is your praying about. Change your vision on the inside first. Start seeing yourself with the answer. See yourself healed, see yourself living in the bigger house that your family needs. See yourself enjoying more than enough. When you can see it and believe it, then pray in faith, and you will have whatever you ask for.  That’s great news from the Master. Praise the Lord forever.




