The Weak versus The Mighty

But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty; (1 Corinthians 1:27).  

When we’re faced with a problem, usually we start looking for the best way to solve it. We want the strongest, most powerful way we can find to help make the problem go away.  

Well, that’s natural thinking and we’re all familiar with that type of thinking. But, that’s not the way God thinks. You notice from our text scripture that it pleases God to use what the world considers weak, foolish, base and despised to bring to nothing things which are mighty.  

Let me remind you of a few times this has taken place in the Bible.  

In Exodus 4:2, God ask Moses, “What is that in your hand”? We know that with the weakness of a natural rod, he performed miracles and confounded the might of Pharaoh. Also, Reaching the rod out over the Red sea caused it to part to where the people could cross on dry ground.  

In John 6, we have the account of Jesus feeding the five thousand. We know that Jesus took a little boys lunch consisting of two loaves and five fishes and it was multiplied in the disciples hands to where when they were all fed there were twelve baskets left over. Such a small amount produced one of the greatest miracles in the Bible.  

In Judges 15:16, Sampson speaks of “the jawbone of a donkey”. He said with just that jawbone “He slew a thousand Philistines” who were the enemies of God. Wow, talking about the WEAK confounding or putting to shame the WISE.  

And who could forget about David being just a shepherd boy in 1 Samuel 17. We know he had five smooth stones and a sling. With one of those stones and the sling, he brought down Goliath, the mighty Philistine champion. Goliath talked down to David because he was young and inexperienced. He laughed at him because he had no mighty weapon. But he did have a mighty weapon because of his faith in the covenant he had with Almighty God.  

Friends, I want to encourage you today to not despise what seems weak and insignificant to the world. God can use them to bring down the giants in your life.




