The Kingdom of God Is In You

Neither shall they say, lo here: or, low there: for behold, the Kingdom of God is within you. Luke 17:21

You know, we are by nature conscious of lack. But it will help us greatly to know that Jesus isn’t. You see, even during lack, He was always conscience of abundance. You remember the story in John 6:1-13 of the little boy who had five loaves of bread and two fish? What did Jesus do when these were placed in His hands? Did He say, “What do you expect Me to do with so little?”
No, His eyes were not on the natural, the visible, the seen realm or the lack. His eyes were on the kingdom of God where there is always abundance. So, in His hands, the little boys lunch multiplied, and 5,000 men, not counting their wives and children, were fed that day.
Well, I am sure God doesn’t want us to be conscious of the lack in our circumstances. He doesn’t want you to live by how much you earn or how much you have in the bank. Now, I am not encouraging you to spend foolishly beyond your means. I am saying that God wants you to be conscious of the abundance of resources in His kingdom.  

You may be asking, Pastor Don, where is that kingdom? Well, as long as you have received and made Jesus your Savior and Lord, that kingdom is within you just like our scripture text says. Jesus said that “the kingdom of God is within you.” This means that the kingdom of God is not in some physical place. It is within you and it is where the abundance of resources is.  

So, if you want to experience abundance in your life, be conscious first of the abundance inside of you. Then, with a renewed mind, what is a reality inside you will become a reality on the outside. Friends, God doesn’t want you to be conscious of the lack you see outside you. He wants you to be conscious of the abundance within you because His kingdom is within you.

Remember 2 Corinthians 4:18. Don’t focus your attention on the seen realm but instead, focus your attention on the unseen realm because that is where your help is coming from. The unseen realm can and will change what is seen. The spiritual realm will change the natural realm which is temporary and subject to change. There is no sickness or disease, poverty and lack in the unseen realm. God wants you partaking from that realm, not the limited realm of the seen (natural).




