And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more. Hebrews 10:17
This verse is certainly good news to here. God sees our sins- past, present and future, and says, “Your sins I will remember no more.” The Greek implies that God is saying, “Your sins I will by no means ever remember.”
Some may think that God must have lowered His standards. But He hasn’t. He is still perfectly holy. He DID however remember all our sins 2,000 years ago at the cross. Every sin which we have committed or will commit in the future has been punished to the full in the body of Jesus Christ at the cross. That is why today, God remembers our sins NO MORE. We should, therefore, not be sin conscious in anyway.
Every time the enemy wants to condemn us for our past mistakes, God wants us to remember the cross and say, “Lord Jesus, you were sentenced for this sin I committed. You bore the judgement, so God will not judge me for this sin. You were condemned for this sin, so God will not condemn me for it.”
But friends, if you don’t look to the cross, you will become sin conscious and you will walk around with a certain expectation of judgement. And that expectation of judgement will give the devil a chance to get you thinking that God has something against you because of your sin.
You must come to the place where you know and believe that all your sins are forgiven, and that you are saved eternally. Hebrews 10:12,14 says, “But this Man (Jesus), after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down at the right hand of God. For by one offering He has perfected forever.”
The wonderful truth is that you and I are perfected forever because of Jesus’ perfect work on the cross. We are perfected by His Son’s perfect work that has so glorified the Father. Beloved, hear God say to you, “I WILL BE MERCIFUL. Your sins and iniquities I will remember NO MORE.”
This is the truth that I can remember that had the greatest impact on my life. I lived under such condemnation and feeling so unworthy until I received this truth in my heart. It set me free like nothing ever has. I trust it will do the same for you. The love and mercy that God has bestowed upon us is too wonderful to fully articulate. Glory to God.
This verse is certainly good news to here. God sees our sins- past, present and future, and says, “Your sins I will remember no more.” The Greek implies that God is saying, “Your sins I will by no means ever remember.”
Some may think that God must have lowered His standards. But He hasn’t. He is still perfectly holy. He DID however remember all our sins 2,000 years ago at the cross. Every sin which we have committed or will commit in the future has been punished to the full in the body of Jesus Christ at the cross. That is why today, God remembers our sins NO MORE. We should, therefore, not be sin conscious in anyway.
Every time the enemy wants to condemn us for our past mistakes, God wants us to remember the cross and say, “Lord Jesus, you were sentenced for this sin I committed. You bore the judgement, so God will not judge me for this sin. You were condemned for this sin, so God will not condemn me for it.”
But friends, if you don’t look to the cross, you will become sin conscious and you will walk around with a certain expectation of judgement. And that expectation of judgement will give the devil a chance to get you thinking that God has something against you because of your sin.
You must come to the place where you know and believe that all your sins are forgiven, and that you are saved eternally. Hebrews 10:12,14 says, “But this Man (Jesus), after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down at the right hand of God. For by one offering He has perfected forever.”
The wonderful truth is that you and I are perfected forever because of Jesus’ perfect work on the cross. We are perfected by His Son’s perfect work that has so glorified the Father. Beloved, hear God say to you, “I WILL BE MERCIFUL. Your sins and iniquities I will remember NO MORE.”
This is the truth that I can remember that had the greatest impact on my life. I lived under such condemnation and feeling so unworthy until I received this truth in my heart. It set me free like nothing ever has. I trust it will do the same for you. The love and mercy that God has bestowed upon us is too wonderful to fully articulate. Glory to God.
word of God
God is good
bible study
faith, prayer, word of God, blessings
good read
power of the blood
riches in glory
word of God